Excavation has begun!

As fair waring, this post is quite long! I’ll try and be more frequent and less lengthy in the future!
All things considered, I am having a lovely time, learning a lot, and also glad I can contribute some. It’s hard to believe it’s been only three days, so much has happened!
Also if you'd like you can check out the site's Blog at: http://www.telshimronexcavations.com

Our first two days were spent primarily with clearing off the topsoil of our grids. Each grid contains 100 squares, 10x10 meters each. In the grid I am in, grid 92, we are only excavating three squares, all adjacent to each other. We have a grid supervisor who oversees all three squares, and a square supervisor for each of the squares. My square is 97.
As I said, we’ve worked mostly with clearing away the topsoil, which is very dusty and stony and covered in dry grasses.  Our goal was to level the sloping ground enough to make it an even area.
We also had several groups of local school children visit the site, and dig with us. This is a good way to keep connected with the community, and the children for the most part enjoy the experience.
Today was the first day we really began to define units under the topsoil. In my area, we have discovered a rectangular concrete something, sitting on a gravel surface. We have also discovered a layer of cobbles, which may be fallen rubble, although it forms somewhat clear edges. This sits on a smoother, different pebble surface.
All these new units are most likely modern, left from settlers in the mid 1900ds. We found a modern coin in the soil dating to 1961 J
It is taking me some time to remember good excavation methods and tricks, but I am enjoying learning, and having my own square to supervise and my own computer to take notes on and record all our finds in!

The Drone
Yesterday I spent an hour showing Mario (Associate dig supervisor) and George (GIS Team member)  how to fly the drone! They enjoyed it, and we brainstormed some ideas of what the best method will be to take grid photos for creating 3D models of the grids. I’m not sure who will be responsible for flying the drone for taking footage, but it might end up being me, which I would be ok with J
I also am giving an hour-long drone and 3D modeling tutorial to about 30 of the volunteers, 10 at a time (3 hrs total). That will be next week when they arrive at the Tel.

Heading to Jerusalem
Sunday I’m heading to Jerusalem, to help meet volunteers at the airport and get them on the buss/send them to Jerusalem on a Sherut (shared taxi).
I assume I’ll also be able to accompany them on the Jerusalem tours given by Dr. Wright, my professor at Jerusalem University College last year, and help look out for them or show them around Jerusalem some. They also will get a lecture from Gabielle Batchay, a well known archaeologist who also was a professor of mine at JUC.
I am looking forward to this trip, although it will mean less time learning with the other staff members about the Tel, our recording data base, etc. I am excited to get to know the volunteers first, and to be back in Jerusalem!
Taking the "strengths finder" for team building

Grid 92, June 16


  1. So will you guys remove the concrete at some point then?


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