Gathering GPR data at Cane Notch, TN.
I certainly learned a lot about GPR while in Tennessee! The first day we gathered data, we only did one 20x20 Grid. By our last day, however, we finished four grids in about for hours. Hopefully we will be able to cut the time down a bit more at Shimron, and we will be working full days. The red box is where the antenna are, sending and receiving radio waves. The results show up on the screen which I am carrying. This control is also what we use to start and stop data collection, as well as set certain factors, like how deep we want to record data etc.
Today I received my student visa for Israel, which means I am all set to fly in a week! Now if I can finish the mapping assignments due upon arrival, I will be golden. I am glad to have a chance to learn about the land a bit more before going there though, it is an enjoyable assignment!


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