Sunday musings
Dr. Wright and I at Caesarea Although I had originally thought I would be able to go to church in Nazareth on Sundays, it didn't work out. I decided instead to go along with the volunteers on their field trip. Dr. Wright, the president of Jerusalem University College, was leading one of the busses, so I went with him. He taught one of my classes last year, and is a phenomenal tour guide. He knows the sites well, but also knows how to appreciate and address their theological significance. It was fun to learn from him again. We went to Legio, Megiddo, and Caesarea. I've been to those places several times before, but there is always something new to lear, or re-learn. However, it did remind me of the times I had gone to those places with my JUC classmates, and made me miss it some! My class was smaller, and more attentive than this group. While sitting in the Hippodrome, looking out over Herod's man-made port and the turquoise Mediterranean, I began again to think about ...